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龍珠果是什麼?怎麼吃?總結9大燈籠果功效、禁忌&副作用 - Tips


龍珠果中含有天然類固醇和植物酸,這兩種物質都能舒緩炎症和預防免疫性疾病。. 尤其是後者在殺菌消毒方面的功效十分強勁,因此在過去人們常用其果汁給傷口消毒。 龍珠果. 如果你經常患有口腔潰瘍或感到咽喉腫痛、喉嚨乾癢,可以嘗試食用燈籠果。 龍珠果

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. 2. 吃燈籠果 .

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. 龍珠果,龍珠果的功效與作用_中藥龍珠果_龍珠果圖片_龍珠果是什麼_A+醫學百科. a+醫學百科龍珠果條目介紹什麼是龍珠果,龍珠果有什麼功效和作用,龍珠果的分布和形態,如何服用龍珠果等。目錄「龍珠果」在《全國中草藥彙編》「龍珠果」在《中藥大辭典》「龍珠果」在《中華本草》 《全國.. 火龙果 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 火龙果. 火龙果 又稱 紅龍果 、 龙珠果 、 仙人掌果 或 量天尺果 ,是多種 仙人掌科 蛇鞭柱属 的植物果實的總稱(過去分类为 量天尺属 )。. 水果 呈 椭圆形 ,直径10-12cm,外观為红色或黃色,有綠色圓角三角形的葉狀體,灰白色、紫紅色或黃色果肉, 黑色 .. 街市學堂之潤肺止咳 初秋必食龍珠果 - on.cc東網 龍珠果. 最近行過街市生果檔都會見到橙黃色比車厘子及車厘茄更細粒的果實,而這些外面有層啡色「衣」包裹的果實,到底是甚麼?開估:龍珠果是也,在亞熱帶或熱帶地方都很常見,不但盛產於廣西、台灣、馬來西亞等地,平時在香港行山也有機會見到。雖然並不罕有,卻不是一年四季都食得到,因為 .. 香港野果 Hong Kong Wild Fruits: 毛西番蓮(龍珠果) - Blogger. 西番蓮科 Passifloraceae (多年生草質藤本) 別名 龍珠果. 香花果、天仙果、野仙桃、肉果、龍珠草、龙须果、假苦果、龍眼果. 生態環境. 喜溫暖濕潤氣候,對土壤要求不嚴;生於荒山、草坡路邊或灌叢中。. 分佈. 雲南(南部),廣西,廣東,海南,香港,台灣,福建(原 .. 龍珠果(中藥)_百度百科

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. 廣西壯族自治區革命委員會衞生局主編.. 《廣西本草選編 上冊》:廣西人民出版社,1974年. 龍珠果,中藥名。. 為西番蓮科植物龍珠果Passiflora foetida L.的全株或果實。. 分佈於福建、台灣、廣東、海南、廣西、雲南等地。

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. 具有清肺止咳,解毒消腫之功效。. 龍珠果

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. 龍珠果 - Wikiwand. 龍珠果 - Wikiwand 龍珠果. 龍珠果可以指:. 2375-龍珠果 - hkcww.org. 2375-龍珠果 龍珠果. 資料編號: HK-2375. 中文名稱: 龍珠果. 學名: Passiflora foetida. [找同屬植物] 英文名稱:. Passiflora foetida L.|龍珠果|龙珠果 - Shiu Ying Hu Herbarium Collections. School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. [email protected] (852) 39436113; Toggle navigation 龍珠果. 龙珠果 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Chinese [ edit] For pronunciation and definitions of 龙 珠 果 - see 龍珠果 (" dragon fruit; Passiflora foetida")

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. (This term, 龙珠果, is the simplified form of 龍珠果 ). This page was last edited on 17 October 2018, at 13:04. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License .


龙珠果(西番莲科西番莲属植物)_百度百科. 龙珠果(Passiflora foetida L.)是西番莲科西番莲属的草质藤本植物。茎柔弱且被平展柔毛;叶宽卵形或长圆状卵形,两面及叶柄均被丝状长伏毛,叶上面混生少量腺毛,叶下面中部有散生小腺点;花白或淡紫色,苞片羽状分裂,萼片长圆形,背面近顶端具角状附属物;浆果卵球形或球形;花期7-8月,果 .. 龍珠果功效主治|用法介紹 - 中華本草 - 比率網 Findrate.tw 龍珠果. 龍珠果功效和作用. 【來源】西番蓮科龍珠果PassiflorafoetidaL.,以全草入藥。. 【生境分布】廣東。. 【性味】甘、酸,平。

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. 氣香。 龍珠果

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. 【功能主治】清熱涼血,潤燥化痰。. 主治外傷性眼角膜或結膜炎,淋巴結炎。. 【用法用量】3~7錢,外用適量。. 【別名】龍吞珠 . 龍珠果. dragon fruit - Wiktionary, the free dictionary. The fruit of certain cacti of the genus Hylocereus, cultivated in Southeast Asia and Central and South America, having cerise-pink- or yellow-coloured skin and a white or pink sweet fleshy interior with black seeds.··^ "dragon fruit, n.", in OED Online ⁠, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2019 龍珠果. ^ "dragon fruit", in Merriam .. 龍珠果 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary 龍珠果. 龍珠果. dragon fruit (fruit, cacti) Passiflora foetida (fruit) Synonyms [edit] Dialectal synonyms of .. [ bush passion fruit ] 龍珠果 龙珠果 - YouTube. 龍珠果(Passiflora foetida),草質藤本。適應性很強,耐熱、耐寒,喜陽光,喜涼爽、濕潤氣候,不擇土壤,是一種具有藥用價值 .. Long Châu Quả ( Passiflora foetida ) 龍珠果 - yhoccotruyen.org. Tên tiếng Hoa: 龍珠果 Tính vị: Vị ngọt, chua, tính bình Quy kinh: Vào kinh can Dược năng: Thanh nhiệt, giải độc, thanh phế, chỉ khái, an thần Liều Dùng: 9-15g Chủ trị: Thanh nhiệt, giải độc, lợi tiểu, trị tiểu đục Trị nhọt độc sưng, viêm hạch, viêm giác mạc mắt .. 【龙珠果】龙珠果的功效与作用_龙珠果怎么吃_亲子百科_太平洋亲子网 龍珠果. 龙珠果,别名有龙吞珠、龙须果、风雨花、神仙果、番瓜子、山木、大种毛葫芦,原产地是西印度群岛,现广泛分布热带地区。 在中国分布于云南(南部)、广西、广东、海南、香港、台湾、福建(南部)。 龙珠果是多年生草质藤本。茎柔弱,密被白色柔毛或无毛,常借卷须攀援他物上升,长1~2米。


龍珠果‎ (Chinese): meaning, translation - WordSense. WordSense Dictionary: 龍珠果 - spelling, hyphenation, synonyms, translations, meanings & definitions.. Golden Dragon Fruit | C&J Gardening Center. Golden Dragon Fruit, also known as Pitahaya Amarilla, is an exotic cactus fruit packed with nutrition. It is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins, providing numerous health benefits. This climbing succulent likes to live in full sun where it grows up to 8 feet high and has white blossoms


Botanical Name Pitahaya. Spurges & Leaf-Flowers - HONG KONG NATURE. Spicy Jatropha 全緣葉麻瘋樹 Jatropha interregima 龍珠果. Originally from Cuba this shrub grows up to 5 metres tall. It is also known as peregrina 龍珠果. Broken branches and leaves produce a poisonous milky latex. The flowers are a bright rose-red appearing in November to February. Its quite a common addition to Hong Kongs parks.. Red Dragon Fruit | C&J Gardening Center 龍珠果. 10 - 11 Partial - Full Sun Regularly Evergreen Perennial 4 Tall and 4 Wide Moderate Spring - Summer White Year-Round 1st Year

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. Something2Share: The Goodness of Dragon Fruit (火龍果/龍珠果) 龍珠果. Dragon fruit tastes sweet but not thick, with light fragrance and crunchy, and with a flavor thats like a cross between kiwi and pear


Thus, it is also known as the strawberry pear, pitaya or pitahaya. In Chinese, dragon fruit is called huǒ lóng guǒ 火龍果 "fire dragon fruit" and lóng zhū guǒ 龍珠果"dragon pearl .. 龍珠果 - YouTube

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